The 5-year old Intel i9 iMac can do the job, but boy does it complain with super-loud fans. The demands on his machine are really high as he ingests two video feeds from me across our internal network, combines that with his video feed, and pushes it all of it up to YouTube. I get that, but I also really think it would make more sense to use the more capable Mac for the live show. All those gorgeous, high-resolution pixels are more compelling than the speed of the machine. With a 27” LG Ultrafine display hooked to his 5-year-old iMac, he finds that a better machine to work with most of the time than his wicked-fast MacBook Pro. Now don’t feel too sorry for him, since he has a 14” M1 Max MacBook Pro. I feel their pain because Steve is one of those people itching for an Apple Silicon 27” iMac. They want an Apple Silicon 27” iMac and they want it now.

Lovers of the 27” iMac are also impatient right now because we’ve got so many other models of Macs that run circles around it with their sexy Apple Silicon processors and unified memory architecture. This is so frustrating to those who have a gorgeous 27” display sitting in the closet trapped in the body of an older iMac. If Apple made a display that didn’t cost $5000, we’d probably not be so sad about this but other than the LG 5K Ultrafine (which is a great display), we have literally no other options as good as the 27” 5K iMac. I’ve never understood why Apple doesn’t let us have target display mode on the newer iMacs, and it’s a real shame.

Many people wish they could repurpose aging iMacs as secondary displays, but iMacs newer than mid-2014 don’t support target display mode. The desire for a new Mac is normally well before the end of the useful life of an iMac. Like all Macs, they seem to last a very long time. IMacs have spectacular screens, especially the 5K iMac. 27-inch 5K iMac Can’t be a Display … or Can It?