
tupperbox tupperbox

Manage your tupper groups and who relates to which with the tul!group command. Respond to a proxy you sent with ❌ to delete it or 📝 to edit it. Details about the bot’s usage can be found in its help command. When you registered a tupper, you can edit its info with commands such as tul!avatar, tul!brackets, tul!describe, tul!rename, and tul!nick, or remove it any time with tul!remove. Replace the text in the brackets with what you want the tupper to say, and Tupperbox discord will recognize the surrounding symbols as an instruction to send the message with your registered tupper.


The greater than symbols (>text in the example) represent a pattern that Tupperbox looks for in order to activate that Tupper. Here is an example of a new Tupper I registered and wrote >Hello! My newly registered Tupper sent me a message which was seen, deleted, and replaced with one that was sent by some other user I don’t recognize. In order to demonstrate how the bot works, we demonstrate the proxy function below: Even though there is a slight learning curve in using the bot, it is very easy to get started. Like any other discord bot, the help command is the most reliable way to learn how to use it and can be executed by typing tul!help. There are no limits to the number of Tuppers you can register, and you can arrange them with groups, tags, and descriptions, among other fun details. It is successful in these discord communities because they benefit greatly from sending messages under various identities on the fly.Įither when representing someone else on an account or when portraying a character’s dialogue in a roleplay. It includes powerful moderator tools to prevent abuse and an active support community on our support server. Tupperbox has found widespread usage in diverse communities that benefit significantly from these pseudo-accounts, such as plural communities and roleplay servers.
